

Apa suhu watesan kanggo cannabis? Bisa luwih akeh mengaruhi wutah lan ngasilake?

Ganja, kaya tanduran apa wae, duwe suhu suhu sing optimal kanggo wutah sing sehat. Panas banget bisa negesake tanduran, nyuda tingkat wutah, kualitas, lan pungkasane, ngasilake. Understanding how temperature impacts cannabis and how to manage it in different environments is crucial for growers. This article explores the ideal temperature range for cannabis, the effects of excessive heat, and how growers can manage temperatures effectively to ensure healthy plants and high yields.

Ganja urip ing iklim moderat, lan suhu suhu optimal kanggo galur sing paling ganjaing wayah awan. Ing wayah wengi, suhu kanthi becik nyelehake18-22 ° C (64-72 ° F)Waca rangkeng-. This range allows for optimal photosynthesis, root development, and overall plant health.

Ing a

2 .. Apa sing kedadeyan nalika ganja dadi panas banget?

Waca rangkeng-. Here's what happens:

2.1 Tanduran stres lan wutah sing luwih alon



